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Talk-24: Native LabVIEWTM MOOS Interface

Alexander Sedunov, Stevens Institute of Technology

National Instruments LabVIEWTM has gained popularity as a platform for engineers and scientists and integrating it with MOOS allows for the easy development of graphical MOOS utilities in an environment having access to vast libraries for control, communication, data acquisition, signal processing and ability to run on many platforms including Windows, Linux, Mac OS X. We have developed a communication framework by replicating the essential functionality of MOOSLib class CMOOSCommClient in the LabVIEWTM environment, relying solely on built-in functions. This implementation removes dependency on compiled MOOS libraries and enables LabVIEWTM to manage all the allocated memory and sockets and thus giving the solution maximal stability in this environment and high performance while exposing all the low-level MOOS communication functions to the developer. A trade- off of this approach is that is that the implementation will have to be updated separately with any changes to the MOOS communication protocol, but availability of source code makes it a simple task. We discuss other possible ways to allow LabVIEWTM to join MOOS community which we have explored and their relative merits. Also we demonstrate some MOOS utilities which we have developed using this communication framework, showing some of the capabilities of this development environment having connectivity with MOOS.

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