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Talk-08: The IvP Helm and New Features of MOOS-IvP Release 4.1

Mike Benjamin, NUWC-NPT

The IvP Helm is a MOOS application implementing a behavior-based architecture for autonomy. The MOOS-IvP project is a collection of MOOS applications including the IvP Helm, but also many tools for preparing, monitoring, analyzing and debugging autonomous missions run with the IvP Helm.

This talk will both introduce the IvP Helm as well as discuss new features in the latest release of MOOS-IvP, scheduled for mid-August 2010. The helm introduction will focus on three motivating themes: platform independence, module independence, and nested capabilities. Each of these themes promotes development from a diverse set of contributors, in a meritocracy of functionality - arguably represented by the MOOS-DAWG gathering itself. The helm introduction will include a description of the role of multi-objective optimization in the reconciliation of behavior output, descriptions of example missions, tools used in conjunction with the IvP Helm, and a description of MOOS-IvP as a project with development goals.

The latter part of the talk will describe features new to MOOS-IvP 4.1. This includes the new capability for the helm to support the dynamic spawning and death of behaviors, and the notion of a behavior as template. Examples of this capability will be presented in the context of multi-vehicle collision avoidance.

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  • MOOS-IvP
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  • Academia
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