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Talk-17: Mission Visualisation in Google Earth - The MCM Adaptive Survey Case

Arjan Vermeij, NATO Undersea Research Centre (NURC)

The NATO Undersea Research Centre (NURC) uses MOOS-IvP in a scientific research and rapid prototyping environment. As part of the autonomous mine countermeasures project, from May 03 until May 25, 2011, ARISE’11 (Autonomous Reactive Intelligence Sea Experiment) was held. Central to this sea experiment is an algorithm, implemented on NURC’s MUSCLE AUV, that adapts the survey route based on the sonar data it collects. During a mission a lot of data is collected, such as the vehicle’s path, the next optimal track, the part of the survey area that has been covered thus far, etc. Visualisation of some of this data in available viewers is not straightforward, and the desire arose to be able to quickly display all information in Google Earth, without the need for a database or server.

As a solution, all relevant information is collected into one XML document, which is converted into KML, the XML notation developed for use with Google Earth. Three XML-related MOOS processes are involved: pXmlUnpacker, pXmlTransformer, and pXmlSerialiser. Respectively they enable packing and unpacking of XML documents to and from variables in the MOOSDB, transforming XML documents into other XML documents, and writing XML documents to file. This presentation discusses the design and implementation of the developed tools, along with the adaptive survey example.

A reprint of this presentation, including the source code of the XML-related MOOS processes, will be made available through NURC, after the conference.


  • Mine Countermeasures
  • Mission Control / Mission Visualization
  • MOOS-IvP
  • Unmanned Underwater Vehicles (UUVs) / Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUVs)
  • Autonomy / Collaborative Autonomy
  • The Bluefin MUSCLE UUV