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Talk-02: MOOS-IvP Lessons with COLREGs, kayaks, UAVs, and Windows

Alon Yaari, SARA Inc.

Three years ago, curious researchers at SARA, Inc., working after hours, added an electric motor and computer to a kayak. After rejecting other robotic control software, they embraced MOOS and IvPHelm and the SARA Boat Lab was born. What started as a side project turned into a showcase of how MOOS/IvP frees users to concentrate on the science, not on the architecture. This presentation follows our projects for developing autonomous adherence to COLREGs, including review of our autonomous kayak hardware, solutions for multi-vehicle user interface, behavior deployment strategies, custom MOOS apps, and experiences deploying MOOS/IvP under Windows. Additionally, the presentation will touch on SARA's work in adapting MOOS to UAVs.

Related Material:


  • Autonomy
  • MOOS-IvP
  • UAVs
  • USVs
  • Industry