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Tutorial-04: MOOS-IvP Autonomy Tools

Michael Benjamin
Naval Undersea Warfare Center, Division Newport,
MIT, Mechanical Engineering and CSAIL

Wed Aug 25th, 330am-500pm, MIT Building 32 Room 144

In this tutorial, we introduce several MOOS applications available in the public domain. Some applications are general-purpose, for MOOS users broadly. Some applications are specific to use with the IvP Helm.

  • pMarineViewer - A runtime GUI for handling multiple vehicles, with optional hooks to the IvP Helm.
  • uHelmScope - An IvP Helm specific tool for scoping on a live instance of the helm.
  • uTimerScript - A general purpose MOOS scripting mechanism.
  • uPokeDB - A general purpose tool for poking the MOOSDB.
  • uXMS - A general purpose MOOS terminal-based scope.
  • pNodeReporter - A MOOS process for collecting and exporting platform (node) information.
  • pBasicContactMgr - A MOOS contact manager for use with the IvP Helm on multi-vehicle missions.

Full abstract will be available pending public release approval.