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HydroLink is a portable and modular networking repeater buoy intended to abridge communications between radio and acoustic domains. This system is intended on supporting underwater vehicle communication, localization and navigation with Ultra-Short Baseline system (USBL) communication and can support a variety of technical and scientific instruments to aid short-term deployments. HydroLink is designed to be integrated with the lab's existing networking infrastructure which enables WiFi communication up to 1km with clear line of sight and across the Charle's river, along with a cellular modem to support coastal operations where an LTE connection is accessible for real-time monitoring from remote sites. HydroLink can also support offline/local operations maintaining communications through AUV's solely with the USBL.

Status:Ongoing since Summer 2022
Sponsor(s):Saab Inc., MIT Dept of Mechanical Engineering
People:Sam Huang, Ray Turrisi, Mike Benjamin (PI)

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