Intro to C++ Labs

  • Lab 01 Introduction to C++: Overview of the Lab Series, tools needed to get started on your machine. Your first C++ Hello World program.
  • Lab 02 C++ Command Line Arguments: Core functionality of C/C++, including variables, operators, control structures. C++ handling of command line arguments and an introduction to C++ strings.
  • Lab 03 C++ Functions: Function declarations, return types and parameter passing.
  • Lab 04 C++ Input/Output and STL Vectors: C-style arrays, C-style file input and formatted output, and C++ vectors.
  • Lab 05 C++ Classes: C-style structures, simple C++ classes and encapsulated variables and methods, complex C++ classes (Class Containing Other Classes), generating random numbers and seeding a random number generator.
  • Lab 06 C++ Deserializing string messages: String parsing: finding a character within a string and generating a sub-string from another string, biting a string from the front of another string, parsing a string into a vector of Strings, a general deserializing algorithm, re-constructing class instances from deserialized strings from a file.
  • Lab 07 C++ Building: The relationship between compiling and linking in the build process, basic source code project management, the construction of archive libraries for holding code common to multiple apps, an introduction to Makefiles to simplify and quicken the build process.
  • Lab 08 C++ Class Inheritence: C++ subclasses, polymorphism , encapsulation, function overloading, virtual functions.

2.014 - Mini-Course, Spring Semester 2019 (2.014 student password required)