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MOOS-IvP String Utilities

The below describe a set of string utilities in the MBUtils library distributed with MOOS-IvP. To use them, add #include "MBUtils.h" in your source code, and add the mbutil library to the list of libraries your code links to, likely in your local CMakeLists.txt file.

    These utilities are merely convenience functions. Often the C++ equivalent is either multiple lines of code, or relatively obtuse to read. In any event you're welcome to take a look in moos-ivp/ivp/src/lib_mbutil/MBUtils.cpp to check out their implementation.

The stripBlankEnds() function    [top]

The stripBlankEnds() function takes an STL string argument and returns another STL string with leading and trailing white space removed. White space is defined by either a blank space (ASCII 32) or a tab (ASCII 09). The value of the string argument remains unchanged.

  string stripBlankEnds(string);

For example:

  string original = "   Hello World! ";
  string modified = stripBlankEnds(original);
  cout << "original: [" << original << "]" << endl;
  cout << "modified: [" << modified << "]" << endl;


  original: [    Hello World! ]
  modified: [Hello World!];

The doubleToString() function    [top]

The doubleToString() function converts an argument of type double to an STL string. It takes an optional integer argument which in indicates the number of significant digits desired in the resulting string. If the second argument is left out, the default is 2.

  string doubleToString(double, int=2);

For example:

  double val  = 1234.56789;
  string str1 = doubleToString(val);
  string str2 = doubleToString(val, 4);
  cout << "str1: " << str1 << endl;
  cout << "str2: " << str2 << endl;


  str1: 1234.56
  str2: 1234.5678

The intToString() function    [top]

The intToString() function converts an argument of type int to an STL string.

  string intToString(int);

For example:

  int    val = -198;
  string str = intToString(val);
  cout << "str: " << str << endl;


  str: -198

The uintToString() function    [top]

The uintToString() function converts an argument of type unsigned int to an STL string.

  string intToString(unsigned int);

For example:

  unsigned int val = 177;
  string str = uintToString(val);
  cout << "str: " << str << endl;


  str: 177

The ulintToString() function    [top]

The ulintToString() function converts an argument of type unsigned long int to an STL string.

  string ulintToString(unsigned long int);

For example:

  unsigned long int val = 18446744073709551615;
  string str = ulintToString(val);
  cout << "str: " << str << endl;


  str: 18446744073709551615

The boolToString() function    [top]

The boolToString() function converts an argument of type bool to an STL string.

  string boolToString(bool);

For example:

  bool   val = true;
  string str = boolToString(val);
  cout << "str: " << str << endl;
  cout << "str: " << val << endl;


  str: true
  str: 1

The strBegins() function    [top]

The strBegins() function determines if the first given STL string begins with second STL string. An optional third Boolean argument indicates whether the test should be case sensitive. This third argument defaults to true.

  bool strBegins(string, string, bool=true);

For example:

  string str = "Hello World!";

  bool result1 = strBegins(str, "Hello");
  bool result2 = strBegins(str, "hello");
  bool result3 = strBegins(str, "hello", false);

  cout << "result1: " << boolToString(result1) << endl;
  cout << "result2: " << boolToString(result2) << endl;
  cout << "result3: " << boolToString(result3) << endl;


  result1: true
  result2: false
  result3: true

The strEnds() function    [top]

The strEnds() function determines if the first given STL string ends with second STL string. An optional third Boolean argument indicates whether the test should be case sensitive. This third argument defaults to true.

  bool strEnds(string, string, bool=true);

For example:

  string str = "Hello World!";

  bool result1 = strBegins(str, "World!");
  bool result2 = strBegins(str, "world!");
  bool result3 = strBegins(str, "world!", false);

  cout << "result1: " << boolToString(result1) << endl;
  cout << "result2: " << boolToString(result2) << endl;
  cout << "result3: " << boolToString(result3) << endl;


  result1: true
  result2: false
  result3: true

The strContains() function    [top]

The strContains(string, string) function determines if the first given STL string contains the second STL string. Pattern matching is case sensitive.

  bool strContains(string, string);

For example:

  string str = "Hello World!";

  bool result1 = strContains(str, "World");
  bool result2 = strContains(str, "hello");

  cout << "result1: " << boolToString(result1) << endl;
  cout << "result2: " << boolToString(result2) << endl;


  result1: true
  result2: false

The strContains() function    [top]

The strContains(string, char) function determines if the given STL string contains the given character. Pattern matching is case sensitive.

  bool strContains(string, char);

For example:

  string str = "Hello World!";

  bool result1 = strContains(str, 'W');
  bool result2 = strContains(str, 'h');

  cout << "result1: " << boolToString(result1) << endl;
  cout << "result2: " << boolToString(result2) << endl;


  result1: true
  result2: false

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