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Talk-26: Heterogeneous Team of Marine Robots for Coordinated Exploration and Monitoring of Marine Environments

Alberto Quattrini Li, University of South Carolina

After presenting different marine robotic platforms and projects at the Autonomous Field Robotics Lab in the University of South Carolina, the talk will focus on some of our recent contributions on environmental monitoring with a heterogeneous team of robots [ISER2016,CRV2017,MRS2017-submitted]. The main idea is to exploit complementary capabilities of different types of vehicles to reduce the operational cost and increase the mission time. Collaborative adaptive sampling is performed by such a multirobot system, with the objective to increase its efficiency. Experimental results from several field experiments together with some lessons learned will be presented.

The talk will conclude with a discussion on some of the open problems, such as reliable communication and recovery mechanisms, that still need to be fully addressed.


  • Multi-Robot Systems
  • Environmental Monitoring
  • Collaborative Autonomy