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Talk-11: COLREGS Collision Avoidance in MOOS- IvP

Michael Benjamin, Kyle Woerner, Michael Novitzky, John J. Leonard, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Computer Science and AI Lab, MIT

Release 17.7 of MOOS-IvP includes a new collision avoidance behavior based on the Coast Guard Collision Regulations (COLREGS). This behavior is an alternative to the AvoidCollision behavior in previous MOOS-IvP releases, and has a similar configuration interface. The COLREGS behavior is designed with additional mode logic aligned with the COLREGS protocol, and IvP objective functions appropriate for each mode to ensure the proper ranking of maneuvers. This work is funded by ONR 333, Dr. Bob Brizzolara. This talk will describe the COLREGS behavior implementation and usage, and describe the structure of the underlying code libraries supporting the behavior.


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