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Talk-02: Multi-robot sampling and MOOS-IvP usage at USC

Stephanie Kemna, University of Southern California

In this talk, we will discuss recent research at USC, and the use of MOOS-IvP and developed processes.  Our focus has been on research to help biologists understand algae blooms.  We approach this via adaptive sampling, where the AUV adapts its sampling trajectory based on the (spatial) model it is creating. For multi-robot adaptive sampling simulations, we have run simulations incorporating acoustic communication constraints via Goby and the uFld processes. We will show results of exploring the acomms vs. surface communications trade-off [Oceans'16], and coordination for multi-robot adaptive informative sampling simulations [ICRA'17].  We will discuss some processes we have developed along the way, including our approach for simulating biological phenomena, the use of a GP library for single and multi-robot spatial modeling, and adaptations and considerations for fielded single-robot adaptive informative sampling.


  • AUVs
  • Multi-Robot Operations
  • Adaptive Sampling