Talk: 14-Anderson


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Talk-14: OceanServer Iver3-580 EP Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Remote Helm Functionality

Bob Anderson, Daryl Slocum, Hunter Brown, L3 Ocean Server

Historically most Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUVs) have been closed systems. Any changes require contracting the manufacturer for a custom design change, which are costly in time and money. In addition, the expanding role of AUVs has users looking for a more reliable and versatile vehicle to perform various tasks. The OceanServer Remote Helm on the Iver3 AUV provides a fully functional and open system where the users can install their hardware and make software extensions to the vehicle without the requirement of a custom design. OceanServer provides physical space inside the forward section for user electronics as well as hull penetrators to make connections to external sensors. The remote helm design model requires a separate CPU, which allows the users to install their own operating system that can connect to the added hardware. This split design provides isolation of the main vehicle and inherent protection during development of custom behaviors and sensor integration by leveraging years of experience and successful vehicle implementation through UVC (Underwater Vehicle Control). The second CPU communicates with the Iver3 UVC controller CPU through a serial port via a rich set of commands for remote helm control (serial API).

The remote helm API provides all the necessary commands when interfacing the Iver3 to a user control program. This paper will describe the remote helm commands of this serial bus API and the software tools that can aid in implementing a system.


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