Talk: 03-Parker


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Talk-03: Upgrading Legacy Interfaces for Multi-Agent Communication Leveraging MOOS-IvP

Lonnie Parker, Matthew Ferro, Shane Fairbrother, Scott Sideleau, NUWC-DIVNPT

Advanced approaches to intelligent, real-time decision making are difficult to test for multi-agent systems. The flexibility of MOOS and its related applications simplify the process of testing notional examples of point-to-point communications. Specifically, a capability that enables user-defined, low-fidelity environmental models to test the impact of navigation decisions for multi-agent autonomy further bridges the gap between theory and application. All this can be accomplished without the expense and logistics of fielding multiple unmanned underwater vehicles in an open ocean environment. This work highlights the current state of a real-time autonomy simulator based on MOOS (Mission-Oriented Operating Suite) and an in-house developed simulator, DRI (Distributed Resource Integration). The talk will briefly touch on the evolution of this architecture and discuss the upgrades planned for re-integration of a legacy MOOS application, iModemSim, into to the simulator to suit specific mission scenarios.


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