Talk: 15-McKibbin


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Talk-15: Payload Autonomy on the Phoenix International Artemis AUV

Peter McKibbin, Phoenix International

Since 2012, Phoenix has commercially owned and operated a 21 inch AUV named Artemis. Some of the missions conducted with Artemis are the search for Amelia Earhart’s plane, initial search for Malaysian Airlines 370, and a private plane search off Jamaica. These first missions were limited to the two payloads purchased with the vehicle: multi-beam sonar, side scan sonar, and sub bottom profiler payload and a high resolution black and white camera payload. Since 2014, using MOOS-IvP and with encouragement of MIT, Phoenix has begun to design and develop payloads expanding the capabilities available on our system to include payloads for oil and gas, subsea mining, and other industries. Phoenix has also recently been involved in a project that required the MOOS-IvP backseat driver capability. DOWNLOAD


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