Talk: 09-ValSchmidt


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Talk-09: Requirements for an Operational ASV for Hydrographic Survey, a Rookie’s View of MOOS.

Val Schmidt, Center for Coastal and Ocean Mapping, University of New Hampshire

The University of New Hampshire’s Center for Coastal and Ocean Mapping Joint Hydrographic Center provides forward-looking research and engineering for NOAA’s Office of Coast Survey. The Coast Survey is charged with maintaining the Nation’s nautical charts for safety of navigation. In the coming months and years we will field several autonomous surface vehicles (ASVs) with an aim toward augmenting manned systems in the critical mission of production seafloor survey. In an effort to rapidly develop new capabilities, both in sensor integration and behavior, we have begun an evaluation of robotic frameworks for research and NOAA operations. MOOS has quickly become a central focus. Here a framework is laid out for an operational ASV for hydrographic survey. MOOS is evaluated with regard to that framework. Our work is preliminary, and admitted lacking real experience with MOOS. Nonetheless, we hope to provide an outsider’s view, which while naïve, may provide food for thought for MOOS development. DOWNLOAD


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