Talk: 13-Connors


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Talk-13: Integration of DRDC Automatic Target Recognition with MOOS

Warren Connors, Mae L. Seto, Defense Research and Development Canada (DRDC)

DRDC has implemented payload autonomy with the MOOS-IvP middleware on its 3 IVER2 autonomous underwater vehicle (AUVs) towards collaborative mission-planning for mine-countermeasures survey missions. The automated target recognition (ATR) analyzes the images from the on-board side scan sonar to detect, identify, and classify potential mine-like objects. The on-board automated target recognition (ATR) tools reside in an additional payload computer. The AUV with the lower resolution (longer range) sonar performs the wide area survey and communicates its findings of mine-like objects, based on its ATR analysis, to the AUV with the high definition sonar to re-acquire and analyze the target. When the high definition sonar gets the location of the new contact a MOOS process optimizes a re-planned mission to include visiting the new target to confirm its identity. The developed tools and new capabilities are described. MOOS implementation issues are also discussed.


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