Talk: 15-Petillo


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Talk-15: iMseas: A MOOS Interface to MSEAS Dynamic Ocean Models

Stephanie Petillo, MIT, Laboratory for Autonomous Marine Sensing Systems, Center for Ocean Engineering

The Multidisciplinary Simulation, Estimation, and Assimilation Systems (MSEAS) group at MIT has provided the MIT Laboratory for Autonomous Sensing Systems (LAMSS) with 4-D ocean models in NetCDF format for integration with the MOOS. The corresponding MOOS interface, iMseas, wraps the original MATLAB interface to the MSEAS models into C++, providing users of the MOOS environment a means of simulating AUVs in a dynamic ocean model. MSEAS ocean models provide a time varying, gridded ocean environment, supplying values for bathymetry, temperature, salinity, currents, etc. at each point in time and space. iMseasBathy specifically addresses the need for bathymetry information at an AUV location between grid points, interpolating the bathymetry at the AUV position from the closest three grid points. These interfaces are used primarily as a simulation tool, providing a relatively realistic environment, though they may also be used in runtime to test environment-driven behaviors, simulate data if an instrument is offline, and provide bathymetry data for a region. Some simulation results will be presented.


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