README-LINUX.txt Last updated: 20 June 2008 Maintainer: Christian Convey ( ) ************************************************************ *** THIS FILE IS A WORK IN PROGRESS. CORRECTIONS OR *** *** ADDITIONS ARE GREATLY APPRECIATED *** ************************************************************ OVERVIEW ======== This file gives Linux-specific steps for building and running MOOS-IvP software. PACKAGES ======== The following software packages must must installed on the Linux computer in order to build MOOS-IvP. For each package we've listed some information on how it can be obtained. ******************* * Ubuntu packages * ******************* (1) OpenGL development libraries. We're a little sketchy on which particular packages we need for OpenGL support. The following is our best guess: (1A) Regardless of your graphics card, you need: libglut3-dev (1B) Then you also need basic 3D support within X-Windows on your system. To get it, you may need to install one of the following packages. Which one you install depends on your video card: nVidia-based card --> nvidia-glx-new (Ubuntu 8.04) nvidia-glx-new-dev (Ubuntu 8.04) nvidia-glx-dev (Ubuntu 8.10) ** You'll have to choose a particular ** version, such as nvidia-glx-177 libsm-dev libXext-dev ATI-based card (open-source driver) --> xorg-driver-fglrx, and maybe xorg-driver-fglrx-dev ATI-based card (closed-source driver) --> xorg-driver-fglrx, and maybe xorg-driver-fglrx-dev (2) libx11-dev (3) libxft-dev (4) libtiff Website: Ubuntu package: libtiff-dev (5) CMake (at least version 2.4) Website: Ubuntu package: cmake (6) The Gnu C++ compiler (recommend version >= 4.0) Website: Ubuntu package: g++ BUILDING MOOS-IvP ================= Please refer to the README file found in this directory. ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES ===================== The MOOS-IvP source tree contains the source code for two somewhat independent software packages: MOOS, and IvP. When you build the MOOS software, the MOOS executable programs get placed in the "MOOS/MOOSBin" subdirectory of the source code tree. When you build the IvP software, the IvP executable programs get placed in the "bin/" subdirectory of the source code tree (moos-ivp/bin/). We recommend that you put the absolute path to both of those directories into your PATH environment variable. This is especially important because the "pAntler" program, which can launch other MOOS/IvP programs, relies on the PATH variable to find those programs. We normally just add lines to our ~/.bashrc or ~/.cshrc files to always append these two directories to the PATH environment variable.