README-LINUX.txt Last updated: 20 June 2008 Maintainer: Christian Convey ( ) ************************************************************ *** THIS FILE IS A WORK IN PROGRESS. CORRECTIONS OR *** *** ADDITIONS ARE GREATLY APPRECIATED *** ************************************************************ OVERVIEW ======== This file gives Linux-specific steps for building and running MOOS-IvP software. PACKAGES ======== The following software packages must must installed on the Linux computer in order to build MOOS-IvP. For each package we've listed some information on how it can be obtained. ******************* * Ubuntu packages * ******************* (1) OpenGL development libraries. We're a little sketchy on which particular packages we need for OpenGL support. The following is our best guess: (1A) Regardless of your graphics card, you need: libglut-dev (1B) Then you also need basic 3D support within X-Windows on your system. To get it, you may need to install one of the following packages. Which one you install depends on your video card: nVidia-based card --> nvidia-glx-new (Ubuntu 8.04) nvidia-glx-new-dev (Ubuntu 8.04) nvidia-glx-dev (Ubuntu 8.10) ** You'll have to choose a particular ** version, such as nvidia-glx-177 libsm-dev libXext-dev ATI-based card (open-source driver) --> xorg-driver-fglrx, and maybe xorg-driver-fglrx-dev ATI-based card (closed-source driver) --> xorg-driver-fglrx, and maybe xorg-driver-fglrx-dev (2) libx11-dev (3) libxft-dev (4) libtiff Website: Ubuntu package: libtiff-dev (5) CMake (at least version 2.4) Website: Ubuntu package: cmake (6) The Gnu C++ compiler (recommend version >= 4.0) Website: Ubuntu package: g++ BUILDING MOOS-IvP ================= Please refer to the README file found in this directory. ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES ===================== The MOOS-IvP source tree contains the source code for two somewhat independent software packages: MOOS, and IvP. When you build the MOOS software, the MOOS executable programs get placed in the "MOOS/MOOSBin" subdirectory of the source code tree. When you build the IvP software, the IvP executable programs get placed in the "ivp/src/bin" subdirectory of the source code tree. We recommend that you put the absolute path to both of those directories into your PATH environment variable. This is especially important because the "pAntler" program, which can launch other MOOS/IvP programs, relies on the PATH variable to find those programs. We normally just add lines to our ~/.bashrc or ~/.cshrc files to always append these two directories to the PATH environment variable.