//==================================================================== module = zaic_hleq type = GUI utility author = Michael Benjamin contact = mikerb@mit.edu org = MIT thumb = A GUI utility for exploring the ZAIC_LEQ and ZAIC_HEQ IvPBuild tools depends = lib_mbutil, lib_ivpbuild, lib_zaicview borndate = 050620 doc_url = http://oceanai.mit.edu/ivpman/zaic license = GPL group = General Utility, IvPBuild Toolbox distro = moos-ivp.org synopsis = The zaic_hleq utility launches a simple GUI rendering a utility function, piecewise defined, over one discrete variable. The pieces are formed by a few parameters provided to an instance of either the ZAIC_LEQ or ZAIC_HEQ utility in the IvPBuild Toolbox. The GUI user has the ability to change the ZAIC parameters via the keyboard and watch the effects of these changes as the rendering of the utility function is updated.