Prior to build the code in this directory you should have built the MOOS code by executing the script in the top-level moos-ivp directory. This should only need to be done once upon checkout or in the rarer case that the MOOS tree is updated. The code in this directory is meant to be built with the following steps: > cmake ./ > make On subsequent builds, needed as a result of your edits of exiting source code, just typing "make" should suffice. If however new source code has been added or deleted, or if any of the CMakeLists.txt files have been edited, then executing both steps may be necessary. The build process depends on some third party software being installed on your system. Some may have been installed during your linux install as a default selection. Others may need to be installed by you (or your system administrator) before proceeding. The dependencies are : App Name Package name Dependent Apps -------- ---------------- ----------------- g++ g++ all cmake cmake all make make all libtiff libtiff4-dev (1,3,4,5,6) OpenGL libgl1-mesa-dev (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) (1) lib_marineview (2) lib_ipfview (3) pMarineViewer (4) pShipsideViewer (5) app_geoview (6) app_logview (7) app_ffview On Debian systems, these packages can be installed with the following four lines (as the root or superuser): > apt-get install cmake > apt-get install make > apt-get install libtiff4 > apt-get install libgl1-mesa-dev If you are unable to install a requisite package, you can disable the build of the dependent app by editing src/CMakeLists.txt and simply commenting out the line for the dependent app.