README-OS-X.txt Last updated: 19 June 2012 Maintainer: Mike Benjamin ( ============================================================================== OVERVIEW ============================================================================== This file gives OS X-specific steps for building and running MOOS-IvP software. ============================================================================== IMPORTANT INFORMATION ============================================================================== As of this date (June 19th 2012): 1. We have ceased to test our build system on pre-Lion systems. 2. We have ceased to include FLTK as part of the MOOS-IvP tree. It is now a package dependency (port install fltk-devel). ============================================================================== NEEDED APPLICATIONS ============================================================================== 1) XCODE You need to install the XCode development package for OS-X available at It is a free download. 2) MacPorts Website: MacPorts is an open-source project that provides an easy-to-use system for compiling, installing, and upgrading common packages. Instructions for downloading and installing MacPorts can be found at the following address: It is recommended that you use the Package Installer. By default, this will install MacPorts into the /opt/local directory and add /opt/local/bin to the default user's PATH environment variable. More details on environment variables can be found below. ============================================================================== MACPORT PACKAGES ============================================================================== sudo port install cmake sudo port install fltk-devel sudo port install tiff NOTE: As of this date we are no longer including FLTK as part of the MOOS-IvP tree. If you have trouble finding FLTK 1.3 in your system's package manager, we recommend that you install from the source code from the FLTK website. BUILDING MOOS-IvP ================= ./ ./ ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES ===================== When you build the MOOS software, the MOOS executable programs get placed in the "MOOS/bin" subdirectory of the source code tree. When you build the IvP software, the IvP executable programs get placed in the "bin/" subdirectory of the source code tree (moos-ivp/bin/). We recommend that you put the absolute path to both of those directories into your PATH environment variable. This is especially important because the "pAntler" program, which can launch other MOOS/IvP programs, relies on the PATH variable to find those programs. We normally just add lines to our ~/.bashrc or ~/.cshrc files to always append these two directories to the PATH environment variable. *** NOTE: On OS X, ~/.bashrc isn't automatically executed, as it is on Linux. *** However, ~/.bash_profile *is* automatically executed.