Talk: 20-Smith


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Talk-20: The Riptide UUV: A New Modular, Open, Low-Cost Micro-UUV

Jeff Smith, Riptide

Unmanned Undersea Vehicles (UUVs) have traditionally been expensive tools used for oceanographic research, naval operations, search and salvage, and commercial exploration and inspection. Architectures have developed that provided benefits to research and development for more open interfaces, flexible control, and modular, swappable subsystems. Riptide Autonomous Solutions, leveraging heavily from the exploding commercial electronics and automation markets, have developed a new, state-of-the-art, low cost development solution ideally suited for developers of autonomy and behaviors, power systems, subsea sensors, and new payloads. The micro-UUV features open hardware and software interfaces to provide users a reliable and robust platform to advance technology development. The vehicle design is optimized for high efficiency with the best hydrodynamic signature in its class.


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