Talk: 18-Murphy


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Talk-18: SandShark: An Open Platform for Rapid Technology Development

Chris Murphy, Bluefin Robotics

The Bluefin SandShark is a small, open-platform, autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) designed for scientists and developers. SandShark combines a standardized low-cost tail with core vehicle systems, a large modular payload area, and an open development platform. This combination provides a flexible subsea "reference design" to support rapid technology development.

SandShark is built on open source software and allows end users to modify or replace all aspects of the vehicle?s software stack. Features like quick-connect fins for tool-less field replacement and modular body components make SandShark fast and easy to modify. SandShark's payload bay makes up over half the vehicle - it is the ideal test platform for small subsea sensors and autonomy scenarios.


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