Talk: 23-Katz


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Talk-23: Powerful, Lightweight Scripting and Configuration of MOOS Applications Using Lua

Ian Katz, MIT, Laboratory for Autonomous Marine Sensing Systems, Center for Ocean Engineering

The cutting edge of AUV development focuses on the major components of navigation and decision-making, but there is a "long tail" of development required for the simpler applications that support them. These minor components perform very mundane tasks and consume very few resources, yet require a measurable amount of development time -- time that is taken away from actual innovation. We provide a framework for rapid development of these minor applications -- allowing the functionality of MOOS to be scripted -- though a language specially suited to that purpose: Lua. This framework allows MOOS applications to be expressed in far fewer lines of code with much better "syntactic sugar" for accessing settings and MOOS messages, ultimately enabling a much faster and more productive development cycle. Additionally, we show how Lua can be used to enhance the runtime configuration of MOOS applications: improving the simplicity, manageability, and power of the configuration system.

DOWNLOAD the brief given at MOOS-DAWG'11.


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