Site: Sponsors



The MOOS-DAWG 2017 meeting is hosted by MIT and funding for the main event is derived solely from the attendee registration fees. Further support has been provided by Battelle. Funding for the kickoff barbecue is provided by Riptide Autonomous Solutions, and funding for MOOS-IvP over the last decade has been funded by ONR Code 311 and Battle Maritime Systems. (see below).

MOOS and MOOS-IvP Development: ONR-311 and Battelle

ONR has been sponsoring software and optimization algorithm development used in MOOS-IvP for roughly the last decade.

The Office of Naval Research (ONR):


Since the beginning of 2011, Battelle, and in particular Battle Maritime Systems, has provided further support for the development of MOOS-IvP as well as further development of MOOS at Oxford. They have also funded the development of MIT 2.680 Marine Autonomy Sensing and Communications, a new undergraduate and graduate level course in the MIT Department of Mechanical Engineering.

MOOS at Oxford has been funded by the Office of Naval Research, Dr. Behzad Kamgar-Parsi, ONR-311, the European Commission under grant agreement number FP7-231888-EUROPA and the UK's EPSRC.

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Page last modified on March 25, 2017, at 01:51 PM