The Alog Toolbox Command Line Utilities

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src: project-pavlab/apps/app_alog_cmdline

1  Overview
2  An Example .alog File
3  The alogscan Tool
     3.1 Command Line Usage for the alogscan Tool
     3.2 Example Output from the alogscan Tool
4  The alogclip Tool
     4.1 Command Line Usage for the alogclip Tool
     4.2 Example Output from the alogclip Tool
5  The aloggrep Tool
     5.1 Using aloggrep to Produce a Reduced and/or Ordered Output
          5.1.1 Creating a New ALog File
          5.1.2 Filtering based on the Data Source (Publishing App)
          5.1.3 Wildcard Matching
     5.2 Using aloggrep to Extract Plottable Data
          5.2.1 Extracting Plottable Data from a Complex Posting
     5.3 Extracting a First or Final Posting
6  The alogrm Tool
     6.1 Command Line Usage for the alogrm Tool
     6.2 Example Output from the alogrm Tool
7  The aloghelm Tool
     7.1 The Life Events (--life) Option in the aloghelm Tool
     7.2 The Modes (--modes) Option in the aloghelm Tool
     7.3 The Behaviors Option in the aloghelm Tool
     7.4 Command Line Usage for the aloghelm Tool
8  The alogiter Tool
     8.1 Command Line Usage for the alogiter Tool
     8.2 Example Output from the alogiter Tool
9  The alogsplit Tool
     9.1 Naming and Cleaning the Auto-Generated Split Directories
     9.2 Command Line Usage for the alogsplit Tool
     9.3 Example Output from the alogsplit Tool
10  The alogpare Tool
     10.1 Mark Variables Define Events of Interest
     10.2 The Pare List of Variables to be Pared
     10.3 The Hit List of Variables to be Removed Completely
     10.4 Command Line Usage for the alogpare Tool
     10.5 Planned additions to the alogpare Utility
11  The alogcd Tool
     11.1 Producing a Time-Stamped file of Collisions and Near Misses
     11.2 The Terse Output Option
     11.3 Command Line Return Values
     11.4 Command Line Usage for the alogcd Tool
     11.5 Planned additions to the alogcd Utility
12  The alogcat Tool
13  The alogavg Tool
     13.1 Input Format for alogavg
     13.2 Output Format for alogavg
14  The alogmhash Tool
     14.1 Output Components
     14.2 Command Line Usage for the alogmhash Tool
15  The alogeval Tool
     15.1 Test Criteria Input File
     15.2 Test Criteria Logic Test Sequence
     15.3 Test Output and Return Values
     15.4 Examining the Test Sequence Structure

1   Overview

The Alog Toolbox, in addition to the alogview GUI based utility, also contains a set of command line post-mission analysis utility applications:

Each application manipulates or renderings .alog files generated by the pLogger application. Four of the applications, alogclip, aloggrep, alogpare, and alogrm are command-line tools for filtering a given .alog file to a reduced size. Reduction of a log file size may facilitate the time to load a file in a post-processing application, may facilitate its transmission over slow transmission links when analyzing data between remote users, or may simply ease in the storing and back-up procedures. The alogscan tool provides statistics on a given .alog file that may indicate how to best reduce file size by eliminating variable entries not used in post-processing. It also generates other information that may be handy in debugging a mission. The alogsplit tool will split a single alog file into a folder containing a dedicated alog file for each logged variable. This operation is also done automatically upon the launch of app{alogview} when launched on an alog file for the first time. The alogview tool is a GUI-based tool that accepts one or more .alog files and renders a vehicle positions over time on an operation area, provides time-correlated plots of any logged numerical MOOS variables, and renders helm autonomy mode data with plots of generated objective functions.

2   An Example .alog File

The .alog file used in the examples below was generated from the Alpha example mission. This file, alpha.alog, is found in the missions distributed with the MOOS-IvP tree. The alpha.alog file was created by simply running the mission as described, and can be found in:


3   The alogscan Tool

The alogscan tool is a command-line application for providing statistics relating to a given .alog file. It reports, for each unique MOOS variable in the log file, (a) the number of lines in which the variable appears, i.e., the number of times the variable was posted by a MOOS application, (b) the total number of characters comprising the variable value for all entries of a variable, (c) the timestamp of the first recorded posting of the variable, (d) the timestamp of the last recorded posting of the variable, (e) the list of MOOS applications the posted the variable.

3.1   Command Line Usage for the alogscan Tool    [top]

The alogscan tool is run from the command line with a given .alog file and a number of options. The usage options are listed when the tool is launched with the -h switch:

  $ alogscan --help or -h
   1  Usage:                                             
   2    alogscan file.alog [OPTIONS]                     
   4  Synopsis:                                          
   5    Generate a report on the contents of a given     
   6    MOOS .alog file.                                 
   8  Options:
   9  --sort=type   Sort by one of SIX criteria:         
  10                start: sort by first post of a var   
  11                stop:  sort by last post of a var    
  12     (Default)  vars:  sort by variable name         
  13                proc:  sort by process/source name   
  14                chars: sort by total chars for a var 
  15                lines: sort by total lines for a var 
  17  --appstat     Output application statistics        
  18  -r,--reverse  Reverse the sorting output           
  19  -n,--nocolors Turn off process/source color coding 
  20  -h,--help     Displays this help message           
  21  -v,--version  Displays the current release version 
  22  --rate_only   Only report the data rate            
  23  --noaux       Ignore auxilliary source info   
  25  See also: aloggrp, alogrm, alogclip, alogview       

The order of the arguments passed to alogscan do not matter. The lines of output are sorted by grouping variables posted by the same MOOS process or source. The sorting criteria can instead be done by alphabetical order on the variable name (--sort=vars), the total characters in the file due to a variable (--sort=chars), the total lines in the file due to a variable (--sort=lines), the time of the first posting of the variable (--sort=start), or the time of the last posting of the variable (--sort=stop). The order of the output may be reversed (-r, --reverse). By default, the entries are color-coded by the variable source, using the few available terminal colors (there are not many). When unique colors are exhausted, the color reverts back to the default terminal color in effect at the time.

3.2   Example Output from the alogscan Tool    [top]

The output shown below was generated from the alpha.alog file generated by the Alpha example mission.

  $ alogscan file.alog
   Variable Name           Lines   Chars   Start    Stop  Sources
   -------------           -----   -----  ------  ------  -------
   DB_CLIENTS                282   22252   -0.38  566.42  MOOSDB_alpha
   DB_TIME                   556    7132    1.21  566.18  MOOSDB_alpha
   DB_UPTIME                 556    7173    1.21  566.18  MOOSDB_alpha
   USIMMARINE_STATUS         276   92705    0.39  565.82  uSimMarine
   NAV_DEPTH                6011    6011    1.43  566.38  uSimMarine
   NAV_HEADING              6011   75312    1.43  566.38  uSimMarine
   NAV_LAT                  6011   74799    1.43  566.38  uSimMarine
   NAV_LONG                 6011   80377    1.43  566.38  uSimMarine
   NAV_SPEED                6011    8352    1.43  566.38  uSimMarine
   NAV_STATE                6011   18033    1.43  566.38  uSimMarine
   NAV_X                    6011   72244    1.43  566.38  uSimMarine
   NAV_Y                    6011   77568    1.43  566.38  uSimMarine
   NAV_YAW                  6011   80273    1.43  566.38  uSimMarine
   BHV_IPF                  2009  564165   46.26  542.85  pHelmIvP
   CREATE_CPU               2108    2348   46.26  566.33  pHelmIvP
   CYCLE_INDEX                 5       5   44.98  543.09  pHelmIvP
   DEPLOY                      3      14    3.84  543.09  pHelmIvP,pMarineViewer
   DESIRED_HEADING          2017    5445    3.85  543.09  pHelmIvP
   DESIRED_SPEED            2017    2017    3.85  543.09  pHelmIvP
   HELM_IPF_COUNT           2108    2108   46.26  566.32  pHelmIvP
   HSLINE                      1       3    3.84    3.84  pHelmIvP
   IVPHELM_DOMAIN              1      29    3.84    3.84  pHelmIvP
   IVPHELM_ENGAGED           462    3342    3.85  566.32  pHelmIvP
   IVPHELM_MODESET             1       0    3.84    3.84  pHelmIvP
   IVPHELM_POSTINGS         2014  236320   46.26  543.33  pHelmIvP
   IVPHELM_STATEVARS           1      20   44.98   44.98  pHelmIvP
   IVPHELM_SUMMARY          2113  612685   44.98  566.33  pHelmIvP
   LOOP_CPU                 2108    2348   46.26  566.33  pHelmIvP
   PC_hsline                   1       9   44.98   44.98  pHelmIvP
   PC_waypt_return             3      14   44.98  543.33  pHelmIvP
   PC_waypt_survey             3      14   44.98  543.33  pHelmIvP
   PHELMIVP_STATUS           255  198957    3.85  565.12  pHelmIvP
   PLOGGER_CMD                 1      17    3.84    3.84  pHelmIvP
   PWT_BHV_HSLINE              1       1   44.98   44.98  pHelmIvP
   PWT_BHV_WAYPT_RETURN        3       5   44.98  543.09  pHelmIvP
   PWT_BHV_WAYPT_SURVEY        2       4   44.98  462.90  pHelmIvP
   RETURN                      4      19    3.84  543.09  pHelmIvP,pMarineViewer
   STATE_BHV_HSLINE            1       1   44.98   44.98  pHelmIvP
   STATE_BHV_WAYPT_RETURN      4       4   44.98  543.33  pHelmIvP
   STATE_BHV_WAYPT_SURVEY      3       3   44.98  463.15  pHelmIvP
   SURVEY_INDEX               10      10   44.98  429.70  pHelmIvP
   SURVEY_STATUS            1116   77929   45.97  462.90  pHelmIvP
   VIEW_POINT               4034  101662   44.98  543.33  pHelmIvP
   VIEW_SEGLIST                4     273   44.98  543.33  pHelmIvP
   WPT_INDEX                   1       1  463.15  463.15  pHelmIvP
   WPT_STAT                  223   15626  463.15  543.09  pHelmIvP
   LOGGER_DIRECTORY           56    1792    1.07  559.19  pLogger
   PLOGGER_STATUS            263  331114    1.07  566.40  pLogger
   DESIRED_RUDDER          10185  150449   -9.28  545.18  pMarinePID
   DESIRED_THRUST          10637   20774   -9.28  566.52  pMarinePID
   MOOS_DEBUG                  5      39   -9.31  545.23  pMarinePID,pHelmIvP
   PMARINEPID_STATUS         279   81990    0.95  566.28  pMarinePID
   HELM_MAP_CLEAR              1       1   -1.56   -1.56  pMarineViewer
   MOOS_MANUAL_OVERIDE         1       5   44.65   44.65  pMarineViewer
   PMARINEVIEWER_STATUS      270   95560   -0.95  564.89  pMarineViewer
   NODE_REPORT_LOCAL        1159  207535    1.15  565.91  pNodeReporter
   PNODEREPORTER_STATUS      233   50534   -0.37  563.93  pNodeReporter
   Total variables: 57
   Start/Stop Time: -9.31 / 566.52

When the -appstat command line option is included, a second report is generated, after the above report, that provides statistics keyed by application, rather than by variable. For each application that has posted a variable recorded in the given .alog file, the number of lines and characters are recorded, as well as the percentage of total lines and characters. An example of this report:

  MOOS Application     Total Lines  Total Chars  Lines/Total  Chars/Total
  ---------------      -----------  -----------  -----------  -----------
  MOOSDB_alpha                1394        36557         1.37         1.08
  uSimMarine                 54375       585674        53.57        17.29
  pHelmIvP                   22642      1825437        22.31        53.89
  pLogger                      319       332906         0.31         9.83
  pMarinePID                 21106       253252        20.80         7.48
  pMarineViewer                279        95599         0.27         2.82
  pNodeReporter               1392       258069         1.37         7.62

Further Tips    [top]

  • If a small number of variables are responsible for a relatively large portion of the file size, and are expendable in terms of how data is being analyzed, the variables may be removed to ease the handling, transmission, or storage of the data. To remove variables from existing files, the alogrm tool described in Section 6 may be used. To remove the variable from future files, the pLogger configuration may be edited by either removing the variable from the list of variables explicitly requested for logging, or if WildCardLogging is used, mask out the variable with the WildCardOmitPattern parameter setting. See the pLogger documentation.
  • The output of alogscan can be further distilled using common tools such as grep. For example, if one only wants a report on variables published by the pHelmIvP application, one could type:
   $ alogscan alpha.alog | grep pHelmIvP

4   The alogclip Tool

The alogclip tool will prune a given .alog file based on a given beginning and end timestamp. This is particularly useful when a log file contains a sizeable stretch of data logged after mission completion, such as data being recorded while the vehicle is being recovered or sitting idle topside after recovery.

4.1   Command Line Usage for the alogclip Tool    [top]

The alogclip tool is run from the command line with a given .alog file, a start time, end time, and the name of a new .alog file. By default, if the named output file exists, the user will be prompted before overwriting it. The user prompt can be bypassed with the -f,--force option. The usage options are listed when the tool is launched with the -h switch:

  $ alogclip --help or -h
     alogclip in.alog mintime maxtime [out.alog] [OPTIONS]

     Create a new MOOS .alog file from a given .alog file 
     by removing entries outside a given time window.     

   Standard Arguments:                                    
     in.alog  - The input logfile.                        
     mintime  - Log entries with timestamps below mintime 
                will be excluded from the output file.    
     maxtime  - Log entries with timestamps above mintime 
                will be excluded from the output file.    
     out.alog - The newly generated output logfile. If no 
                file provided, output goes to stdout.     

     -h,--help     Display this usage/help message.      
     -v,--version  Display version information.          
     -f,--force    Overwrite an existing output file
     -q,--quiet    Verbose report suppressed at conclusion.

   Further Notes:                                         
     (1) The order of arguments may vary. The first alog  
         file is treated as the input file, and the first 
         numerical value is treated as the mintime.       
     (2) Two numerical values, in order, must be given.   
     (3) See also: alogscan, alogrm, aloggrep, alogview   

4.2   Example Output from the alogclip Tool    [top]

The output shown below was generated from the alpha.alog file generated by the Alpha example mission.

  $ alogclip alpha.alog new.alog 50 350
  Processing input file alpha.alog...

  Total lines clipped:      44,988  (44.32 pct)
    Front lines clipped:     5,474 
    Back  lines clipped:    39,514 
  Total chars clipped:   4,200,260  (43.09 pct)
    Front chars clipped:   432,409 
    Back  chars clipped: 3,767,851 

5   The aloggrep Tool

The aloggrep tool has two primary purposes. The first is to prune a given .alog file into a smaller, yet syntactically valid .alog file. It this mode it can also be used for enforcing strict ordering of entries, and removing duplicate entries, since the pLogger app does not guarantee perfect ordering or files without the occasional duplicate entry. The second primary purpose is to extract data for plotting in a tool like matlab or similar, or extracting a single value that may be ingested in a shell script. These use cases are described below.

A concise form of this documentation is available with aloggrep --help, and the web version of this content can be quickly opened with aloggrep --web.

5.1   Using aloggrep to Produce a Reduced and/or Ordered Output    [top]

The aloggrep tool will prune a given .alog file by retaining lines of the original file that contain log entries for a user-specified list of MOOS variables or MOOS processes (sources). As the name implies it is motivated by the Unix grep command, but grep will return a matched line regardless of where the pattern appears in the line. Since MOOS variables also often appear in the string content of other MOOS variables, grep often returns much more than one is looking for. The aloggrep tool will only pattern-match on the second column of data (the MOOS variable name), or the third column of data (the MOOS source), of any given entry in a given .alog file.

For example, try running the alpha mission and let the vehicle traverse the waypoints for a little while. Quit the mission and find the .alog file.

 $ cd alpha_4_1_2022_____18_33_46/
 $ ls
 alpha_4_1_2022_____18_33_46._moos  alpha_4_1_2022_____18_33_46.xlog
 alpha_4_1_2022_____18_33_46.alog   alpha_4_1_2022_____18_33_46.ylog

Then we can use aloggrep to see what is happening with the DEPLOY and WFLAG variable. The former is used for starting the mission, while the latter is incremented each time the vehicle hits a waypoint:

 $ aloggrep DEPLOY WFLAGalpha_4_1_2022_____18_33_46.alog
 %% LOG FILE:       ./alpha_4_1_2022_____18_33_46/alpha_4_1_2022_____18_33_46.alog
 %% FILE OPENED ON  Wed Dec 31 19:00:00 1969
 %% LOGSTART           41033480654.29403
 26.28008        DEPLOY               pHelmIvP:HELM_VAR_INIT false 
 26.28008        DEPLOY               pHelmIvP:HELM_VAR_INIT false 
 26.28008        DEPLOY               pHelmIvP:HELM_VAR_INIT false 
 26.28008        DEPLOY               pHelmIvP:HELM_VAR_INIT false 
 26.28008        DEPLOY               pHelmIvP:HELM_VAR_INIT false 
 26.28008        DEPLOY               pHelmIvP:HELM_VAR_INIT false 
 74.65635        DEPLOY               pMarineViewer   true 
 74.65635        DEPLOY               pMarineViewer   true 
 74.65635        DEPLOY               pMarineViewer   true 
 85.23170        WFLAG                pHelmIvP:38:waypt_survey waypoints=1 
 116.06017       WFLAG                pHelmIvP:148:waypt_survey waypoints=2 
 74.65635        DEPLOY               pMarineViewer   true 
 116.06017       WFLAG                pHelmIvP:148:waypt_survey waypoints=2 
 140.11575       WFLAG                pHelmIvP:234:waypt_survey waypoints=3 
 158.09377       WFLAG                pHelmIvP:298:waypt_survey waypoints=4 
 176.15134       WFLAG                pHelmIvP:362:waypt_survey waypoints=5 
 74.65635        DEPLOY               pMarineViewer   true 
 176.15134       WFLAG                pHelmIvP:362:waypt_survey waypoints=5 
 199.22812       WFLAG                pHelmIvP:444:waypt_survey waypoints=6 
 230.22727       WFLAG                pHelmIvP:554:waypt_survey waypoints=7 
 254.00302       WFLAG                pHelmIvP:640:waypt_survey waypoints=8 
   Total lines retained: 21 (0.05%)
   Total lines excluded: 44238 (99.95%)
   Total chars retained: 1435 (0.04%)
   Total chars excluded: 3873898 (99.96%)
     Variables retained: (2) DEPLOY, WFLAG

The last five lines provide a summary contained retained and excluded. All lines above that are essentially a valid .alog file. Note however that there are some duplicate lines, and a couple lines out of order. To order the output and remove duplicates, try running with the --sort,-s and --duplicates,-d options, or simply the -sd option to do both:

 $ aloggrep DEPLOY WFLAG alpha_4_1_2022_____18_33_46.alog -sd
 %% LOG FILE:       ./alpha_4_1_2022_____18_33_46/alpha_4_1_2022_____18_33_46.alog
 %% FILE OPENED ON  Wed Dec 31 19:00:00 1969
 %% LOGSTART           41033480654.29403
 26.28008        DEPLOY               pHelmIvP:HELM_VAR_INIT false 
 74.65635        DEPLOY               pMarineViewer   true 
 85.23170        WFLAG                pHelmIvP:38:waypt_survey waypoints=1 
 116.06017       WFLAG                pHelmIvP:148:waypt_survey waypoints=2 
 140.11575       WFLAG                pHelmIvP:234:waypt_survey waypoints=3 
 158.09377       WFLAG                pHelmIvP:298:waypt_survey waypoints=4 
 176.15134       WFLAG                pHelmIvP:362:waypt_survey waypoints=5 
 199.22812       WFLAG                pHelmIvP:444:waypt_survey waypoints=6 
 230.22727       WFLAG                pHelmIvP:554:waypt_survey waypoints=7 
 254.00302       WFLAG                pHelmIvP:640:waypt_survey waypoints=8 
   Total re-sorts: 2
   Total lines retained: 10 (0.02%)
   Total lines excluded: 44238 (99.98%)
   Total chars retained: 723 (0.02%)
   Total chars excluded: 3873898 (99.98%)
     Variables retained: (2) DEPLOY, WFLAG

Notice the duplicates are removed, and the entries are ordered. Note also that, with alog tools, the order of the arguments on the command line do not matter. In the above example, the report section on the bottom now also indicates how many lines needed to be re-sorted, in this case 2.

5.1.1   Creating a New ALog File    [top]

Notice that the output above is not quite a syntactically valid .alog file since the report lines at the end are not log lines. So if output is simply re-directed to a file, the following would produce an .alog file with essentially garbage at the end:

 $ aloggrep DEPLOY WFLAG alpha_4_1_2022_____18_33_46.alog -sd > newfile.alog

To create a new logfile either suppress the report lines at the end with:

 $ aloggrep DEPLOY WFLAG oldfile.alog -sd --no_report > newfile.alog

Or simply provide a second (new) file name and the new file will not include the report lines:

 $ aloggrep DEPLOY WFLAG alpha_4_1_2022_____18_33_46.alog -sd  newfile.alog
   Total re-sorts: 2
   Total lines retained: 10 (0.02%)
   Total lines excluded: 44238 (99.98%)
   Total chars retained: 723 (0.02%)
   Total chars excluded: 3873898 (99.98%)
     Variables retained: (2) DEPLOY, WFLAG

Note the report lines still go to the terminal, but the log files are written to the new .alog file.

5.1.2   Filtering based on the Data Source (Publishing App)    [top]

Rather than naming variables to keep, aloggrep can be provided with the name of one or more apps, and all entries published by these apps will be retained.

 $ aloggrep pHelmIvP alpha_4_1_2022_____18_33_46.alog

5.1.3   Wildcard Matching    [top]

Limited simple wildcard matching is supported:

 $ aloggrep NAV_*  file.alog

The above will grab all variables beginning with NAV_. Placing the asterisk in any other position will have no effect, e.g., *_SPEED will not grap NAV_SPEED.

5.2   Using aloggrep to Extract Plottable Data    [top]

An additional use case for aloggrep involves getting data for plotting. Using the same example as above, suppose we want to plot the value of WPT_ODO versus time. This variable represents vehicle odometry data, published by the waypoint behavior, and reset to zero on each waypoint. Using the above arguments we get:

 $ aloggrep alpha_4_1_2022_____18_33_46.alog WPT_ODO
 %% LOG FILE:       ./alpha_4_1_2022_____18_33_46/alpha_4_1_2022_____18_33_46.alog
 %% FILE OPENED ON  Wed Dec 31 19:00:00 1969
 %% LOGSTART           41033480654.29403
 74.83427        WPT_ODO        pHelmIvP:1:waypt_survey   0.00000      
 75.90277        WPT_ODO        pHelmIvP:5:waypt_survey   0.34869      
 76.20800        WPT_ODO        pHelmIvP:6:waypt_survey   0.57995      
 76.49590        WPT_ODO        pHelmIvP:7:waypt_survey   0.88998      
 76.77897        WPT_ODO        pHelmIvP:8:waypt_survey   1.42170      
 77.08220        WPT_ODO        pHelmIvP:9:waypt_survey   2.79976      
 77.39445        WPT_ODO        pHelmIvP:10:waypt_survey  3.53386      
 77.67854        WPT_ODO        pHelmIvP:11:waypt_survey  4.38950      
 77.95012        WPT_ODO        pHelmIvP:12:waypt_survey  5.40420   


   Total lines retained: 571 (1.29%)
   Total lines excluded: 43688 (98.71%)
   Total chars retained: 43305 (1.12%)
   Total chars excluded: 3832028 (98.88%)
     Variables retained: (1) WPT_ODO

The above output does grab the relevant lines, but we'd like to drop the header lines and report at the end. Using the --format=time:val of --tv option, the results are stripped down to data lines only and just the time and value columns are retained:

 $ aloggrep alpha_4_1_2022_____18_33_46.alog WPT_ODO --format=time:val 
 74.83427 0.00000
 75.90277 0.34869
 76.20800 0.57995
 76.49590 0.88998
 76.77897 1.42170
 77.08220 2.79976
 77.39445 3.53386
 77.67854 4.38950
 77.95012 5.40420

5.2.1   Extracting Plottable Data from a Complex Posting    [top]

Not all posted data is in simple numerical format as in case above with the variable WPT_ODO. Suppose for example, instead of WPT_ODO, our objective is to plot the value of the waypoint index versus time. This value, in the Alpha mission, is published as part of a string:

 $ aloggrep alpha_4_1_2022_____18_33_46.alog WFLAG --format=time:val 
 85.23170 waypoints=1
 116.06017 waypoints=2
 140.11575 waypoints=3
 158.09377 waypoints=4
 176.15134 waypoints=5
 199.22812 waypoints=6
 230.22727 waypoints=7
 254.00302 waypoints=8

In this case, we would like to isolate the numerical value from the string. Using the --subpat=PATTERN option we can isolate numerical values from variable postings made in the common format of:

    field1=value1, field2=value2, ..., fieldN=valueN

 $ aloggrep alpha_4_1_2022_____18_33_46.alog WFLAG --format=time:val --subpat=waypoints
 85.23170 1
 116.06017 2
 140.11575 3
 158.09377 4
 176.15134 5
 199.22812 6
 230.22727 7
 254.00302 8

Note in the above example, the column separator is single white space character (ASCII 32). If a colon separator is desired, use the --cso flag. If a comma separator is desired, use the --csc flag.

5.3   Extracting a First or Final Posting    [top]

In some cases, aloggrep may be used as a tool within a script to determine mission outcome. If the mission outcome is represented in a single MOOS variable, e.g., MISSION_RESULT or MISSION_SCORE, then the goal is to isolate just this value. Using the --first or --final option, we can reduce the output to just one line. Using the example above:

 $ aloggrep alpha_4_1_2022_____18_33_46.alog WFLAG --format=time:val --final
 254.00302 8

To isolate just the value column, use the --format=val, or --v option:

 $ aloggrep alpha_4_1_2022_____18_33_46.alog WFLAG --v --final

The style of output can then be used within a shell script to take action based on the result, stored in a shell variable:

 $ FOO=(`aloggrep alpha_4_1_2022_____18_33_46.alog WFLAG --v --final`)
 $ echo $FOO
 $ FOO=(`aloggrep alpha_10_5_2022_____14_31_06.alog MISSION_HASH --v --first`)

6   The alogrm Tool

The alogrm tool will prune a given .alog file by removing lines of the original file that contain log entries for a user-specified list of MOOS variables or MOOS processes (sources). It may be fairly viewed as the complement of the aloggrep tool.

6.1   Command Line Usage for the alogrm Tool    [top]

  $ alogrm --help or -h
    alogrm in.alog [VAR] [SRC] [out.alog] [OPTIONS]         

     Remove the entries matching the given MOOS variables or sources
     from the given .alog file and generate a new .alog file.    

  Standard Arguments:                                       
    in.alog  - The input logfile.                           
    out.alog - The newly generated output logfile. If no    
               file provided, output goes to stdout.        
    VAR      - The name of a MOOS variable
    SRC      - The name of a MOOS process (source)

    -h,--help     Displays this help message                
    -v,--version  Displays the current release version      
    -f,--force    Force overwrite of existing file          
    -q,--quiet    Verbose report suppressed at conclusion   
    --nostr       Remove lines with string data values      
    --nonum       Remove lines with double data values      
    --clean       Remove lines that have a timestamp that is
                  non-numerical or lines w/ no 4th column   

  Further Notes:                                            
    (1) The second alog is the output file. Otherwise the   
        order of arguments is irrelevent.                   
    (2) VAR* matches any MOOS variable starting with VAR 
    (3) See also: alogscan, aloggrep, alogclip, alogview    

Note that, in specifying items to be filtered out, there is no distinction made on the command line that a given item refers to a entry's variable name or an entry's source, i.e., MOOS process name.

6.2   Example Output from the alogrm Tool    [top]

The output shown below was generated from the alpha.alog file generated by the Alpha example mission.

  $ alogrm alpha.alog NAV_* new.alog
  Processing on file : alpha.alog
    Total lines retained: 47396 (46.70%)
    Total lines excluded: 54099 (53.30%)
    Total chars retained: 6453494 (66.21%)
    Total chars excluded: 3293774 (33.79%)
    Variables retained: (48) BHV_IPF, CREATE_CPU, CYCLE_INDEX, DB_CLIENTS, 

7   The aloghelm Tool

The aloghelm tool provides a few handy ways of looking at helm activity over the course of a given single alog file. This includes:

  • Life Events: Using the --life/-l option, every spawning or death of a behavior is sorted into a list of life events. Section 7.1.
  • Mode Changes: Using the --modes/-m option, every helm mode change is sorted into a list of chronological entries. Section 7.2.
  • Behavior States: Using the --bhvs/-b option, every instance where a behavior changes states is recorded and sorted into a list of chronological entries. Section 7.3.

In each mode, the user may additionally specify one or more MOOS variables to be interleaved in the report as they occur chronologically

7.1   The Life Events (--life) Option in the aloghelm Tool    [top]

The life events option in aloghelm will scan the given alog file for all life events, defined by the spawning or destruction of a behavior instance. This information is posted by the helm in the IVPHELM_LIFE_EVENT variable. Example output is show below:

  $ aloghelm file.alog --life
  Processing on file : henry.alog
  ++++++++++ (100,000) lines
  ++++++++++ (200,000) lines
  233,736 lines total.
  10 life events.

        *        Summary of Behavior Life Events          *

  Time    Iter  Event  Behavior      Behavior Type       Spawning Seed                 
  ------  ----  -----  ------------  ------------------  ------------------------------
   41.27     1  spawn  loiter        BHV_Loiter          helm_startup                  
   41.27     1  spawn  waypt_return  BHV_Waypoint        helm_startup                  
   41.27     1  spawn  station-keep  BHV_StationKeep     helm_startup                  
  316.78   995  spawn  ac_avd_gilda  BHV_AvoidCollision  name=avd_gilda # contact=gilda
  369.72  1191  death  ac_avd_gilda  BHV_AvoidCollision                                
  482.92  1601  spawn  ac_avd_gilda  BHV_AvoidCollision  name=avd_gilda # contact=gilda
  545.18  1833  death  ac_avd_gilda  BHV_AvoidCollision                                
  654.70  2228  spawn  ac_avd_gilda  BHV_AvoidCollision  name=avd_gilda # contact=gilda
  751.87  2591  death  ac_avd_gilda  BHV_AvoidCollision                                
  809.85  2799  spawn  ac_avd_gilda  BHV_AvoidCollision  name=avd_gilda # contact=gilda

The actual output, by default, is color-code green for all spawnings and black for all deaths. The color-coding can be turned off with the additional command line argument --nocolor.

7.2   The Modes (--modes) Option in the aloghelm Tool    [top]

The modes option in aloghelm will scan the given alog and report all instances of a helm mode change.

 $ aloghelm file.alog --modes
 Processing on file : /Users/mikerb/henry.alog
 120.919 Mode: ACTIVE:LOITERING 
 386.632 Mode: ACTIVE:RETURNING 
 413.980 Mode: ACTIVE:LOITERING 
 558.254 Mode: ACTIVE:RETURNING 
 584.283 Mode: ACTIVE:LOITERING 
 703.517 Mode: ACTIVE:LOITERING 
 766.938 Mode: ACTIVE:RETURNING 

 233,736 lines total.

Using the --mode option, it is sometimes helpful to augment the output to include certain other variable postings, by simply naming the MOOS variable on the command line. The variables and mode changes will be presented on the screen in their chronological order. For example:

 $ aloghelm file.alog --modes CONTACT_RESOLVED
 Processing on file : /Users/mikerb/henry.alog
 120.919 Mode: ACTIVE:LOITERING 
 373.392         CONTACT_RESOLVED     pHelmIvP:1190:ac_avd_gilda GILDA      
 386.632 Mode: ACTIVE:RETURNING 
 413.980 Mode: ACTIVE:LOITERING 
 548.838         CONTACT_RESOLVED     pHelmIvP:1832:ac_avd_gilda GILDA 
 558.254 Mode: ACTIVE:RETURNING 
 584.283 Mode: ACTIVE:LOITERING 
 703.517 Mode: ACTIVE:LOITERING 
 755.509         CONTACT_RESOLVED     pHelmIvP:2590:ac_avd_gilda GILDA 
 766.938 Mode: ACTIVE:RETURNING 

 233,736 lines total.

7.3   The Behaviors Option in the aloghelm Tool    [top]

The behaviors option in aloghelm will scan the given alog file taking note of all helm iterations where there is a change to one or more of the four groups of (a) active, (b) running, (c) idle, or (d) completed behaviors. Example output is show below:

  $ aloghelm file.alog --bhvs
 Processing on file : henry.alog
  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
 45.225    (1) Active:    loiter
 45.225    (1) Running:   
 45.225    (1) Idle:      waypt_return,station-keep
  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
 92.689    (172) Active:    station-keep
 92.689    (172) Running:   
 92.689    (172) Idle:      loiter,waypt_return
 120.919 Mode: ACTIVE:LOITERING 
  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
 120.921    (274) Active:    loiter
 120.921    (274) Running:   
 120.921    (274) Idle:      waypt_return,station-keep
  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
 320.786    (995) Active:    loiter,ac_avd_gilda
 320.786    (995) Running:   
 320.786    (995) Idle:      waypt_return,station-keep
  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
 345.778    (1090) Active:    loiter
 345.778    (1090) Running:   ac_avd_gilda
 345.778    (1090) Idle:      waypt_return,station-keep
  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
 373.642    (1191) Active:    loiter
 373.642    (1191) Running:   
 373.642    (1191) Idle:      waypt_return,station-keep
 373.642    (1191) Completed: ac_avd_gilda
 386.632 Mode: ACTIVE:RETURNING 
  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
 386.636    (1238) Active:    waypt_return
 386.636    (1238) Running:   
 386.636    (1238) Idle:      loiter,station-keep
 386.636    (1238) Completed: ac_avd_gilda

In some cases, there is interest in a particular behavior in the this kind of output. To make it easier to visually parse, the --watch=BHV option can be used to draw attention to each the particular behavior changes state. Example output is shown below. The primary difference is the CHANGE tag for each instance of a state change. In the terminal, such lines are also rendered in a different color.

  $ aloghelm file.alog --bhvs --watch=loiter
 Processing on file : henry.alog
  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
 45.225    (1) Active:    loiter             CHANGE
 45.225    (1) Running:   
 45.225    (1) Idle:      waypt_return,station-keep
  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
 92.689    (172) Active:    station-keep
 92.689    (172) Running:   
 92.689    (172) Idle:      loiter,waypt_return             CHANGE
 120.919 Mode: ACTIVE:LOITERING 
  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
 120.921    (274) Active:    loiter             CHANGE
 120.921    (274) Running:   
 120.921    (274) Idle:      waypt_return,station-keep
  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
 320.786    (995) Active:    loiter,ac_avd_gilda
 320.786    (995) Running:   
 320.786    (995) Idle:      waypt_return,station-keep
  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
 345.778    (1090) Active:    loiter
 345.778    (1090) Running:   ac_avd_gilda
 345.778    (1090) Idle:      waypt_return,station-keep
  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
 373.642    (1191) Active:    loiter
 373.642    (1191) Running:   
 373.642    (1191) Idle:      waypt_return,station-keep
 373.642    (1191) Completed: ac_avd_gilda
 386.632 Mode: ACTIVE:RETURNING 
  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
 386.636    (1238) Active:    waypt_return
 386.636    (1238) Running:   
 386.636    (1238) Idle:      loiter,station-keep             CHANGE
 386.636    (1238) Completed: ac_avd_gilda

7.4   Command Line Usage for the aloghelm Tool    [top]

  $ aloghelm --help or -h

Listing 7.1 - Command line usage for the aloghelm tool.

    1  Usage: 
    2    aloghelm file.alog [OPTIONS] [MOOSVARS]       
    4  Synopsis:                                                  
    5    Perform one of several optional helm reports based on    
    6    helm output logged in the given .alog file.              
    8  Options:                                                   
    9    -h,--help     Displays this help message                 
   10    -v,--version  Displays the current release version       
   11    -l,--life     Show report on IvP Helm Life Events        
   12    -b,--bhvs     Show helm behavior state changes           
   13    -m,--modes    Show helm mode changes                     
   14    --watch=bhv   Watch a particular behavior for state change
   15    --nocolor     Turn off use of color coding               
   16    --notrunc     Don't truncate MOOSVAR output (on by default)
   18  Further Notes:                                             
   19    (1) The order of arguments is irrelevent.                
   20    (2) Only the first specified .alog file is reported on.  
   21    (3) Arguments that are not one of the above options or an
   22        alog file, are interpreted as MOOS variables on which
   23        to report as encountered.                            

8   The alogiter Tool

The alogiter tool will analyze the ITER_GAP and ITER_LEN information produced by any appcasting MOOS app. These variables indicate the ability of an application to keep up with the requested apptick frequency. For example PHELMIVP_ITER_GAP will be close to 1.0 when configured with an apptick of 4, and the observed apptick is also 4. The gap value will be around 2 if the observed apptick is around 2. The PHELMIVP_ITER_LEN is the elapsed time between the start and end of the helm iterate loop.

8.1   Command Line Usage for the alogiter Tool    [top]

  $ alogiter --help or -h

Listing 8.1 - Command line usage for the alogiter tool.

   1  $ alogrm -h
   3  Usage: 
   4    alogiter in.alog [OPTIONS]                               
   6  Synopsis:                                                  
   7    Analyze the ITER_GAP and ITER_LEN information provided by
   8    all applications recorded in the given alog file.        
  10  Standard Arguments:                                        
  11    file.alog - The input logfile.                           
  13  Options:                                                   
  14    -h,--help     Displays this help message                 
  15    -v,--version  Displays the current release version       
  17  Further Notes:                                             
  18    See also: alogscan, alogrm, alogclip, alogview, aloggrep 

8.2   Example Output from the alogiter Tool    [top]

The output shown in Listing 8.2 was generated from the alpha.alog file generated by the Alpha example mission, at time warp 20.

Listing 8.2 - Example alogiter output applied to the alpha.alog file.

   1  $ alogiter alpha.alog 
   3  Processing on file : MOOSLog_22_4_2015_____13_25_19.alog
   4                  GAP     GAP       PCT     PCT     PCT    
   5  AppName         MAX     AVG       >1.25   >1.50   >2.0   
   6  -------------  -----   -----      -----   -----   -----  
   7  PHELMIVP        1.26    1.11      0.005   0.000   0.000
   8  PMARINEVIEWER   1.10    1.07      0.000   0.000   0.000
   9  PNODEREPORTER   1.25    1.15      0.008   0.000   0.000
  10  UPROCESSWATCH   1.26    1.12      0.014   0.000   0.000
  11  USIMMARINE      1.27    1.12      0.009   0.000   0.000
  13                  LEN    LEN      PCT     PCT     PCT     PCT  
  14  AppName         MAX    AVG      >0.25   >0.50   >0.75   >1.0 
  15  -------------  -----  -----     -----   -----   -----   -----
  16  PHELMIVP        0.08   0.04     0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000
  17  PMARINEVIEWER   0.00   0.00     0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000
  18  PNODEREPORTER   0.01   0.00     0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000
  19  UPROCESSWATCH   0.01   0.00     0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000
  20  USIMMARINE      0.02   0.00     0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000
  23  Mission Summmary 
  24  ---------------------------
  25   Collective APP_GAP: 1.11
  26   Collective APP_LEN: 0.01

9   The alogsplit Tool

The alogsplit tool will split a given .alog file into a directory containing a file for each MOOS variable found in the .alog file. This is essentially the first stage of pre-processing done at the outset of launching the alogview tool. It is implement here as a stand-alone app to be used for purposes other than alogview. It may also be useful as a command-line tool for preparing multiple .alog files from a shell script well before the first time they are used in alogview.

This is a new tool in Release 15.4 coinciding with the major re-write of the alogview tool also released in 15.4.

9.1   Naming and Cleaning the Auto-Generated Split Directories    [top]

The name of the split directory created by alogsplit is determined automatically from the .alog filename. For a file name alpha.alog, the directory created will be alpha_alvtmp/ by default. This can be overridden with the command line switch --dir=my_dirname. The fairly distinctive _alvtmp suffix was chosen to facilitate cleaning these auto-generated temporary directories with a simple shell script, alv_rm:

 find . -name '*_alvtmp'  -print -exec rm -rfv {} \;

The above script is found in the moos-ivp/bin directory and will remove (without prompting for confirmation) all split directories in the current directory and sub-directories.

9.2   Command Line Usage for the alogsplit Tool    [top]

  $ alogsplit --help or -h

Listing 9.1 - Command line usage for the alogsplit tool.

   1  $ alogsplit -h
   3  Usage: 
   4    alogsplit in.alog [OPTIONS]                              
   6  Synopsis:                                                  
   7    Split the given alog file into a directory, within which 
   8    each MOOS variable is split into it's own (klog) file    
   9    containing only that variable. The split will also create
  10    a summary.klog file with summary information.            
  12    Given file.alog, file_alvtmp/ directory will be created. 
  13    Will not overwrite directory if previously created.      
  14    This is essentially the operation done at the outset of  
  15    launching the alogview applicaton.                       
  17  Standard Arguments:                                        
  18    in.alog  - The input logfile.                            
  20  Options:                                                   
  21    -h,--help      Displays this help message                
  22    -v,--version   Displays the current release version      
  23    --verbose      Show output for successful operation      
  24    --dir=DIR      Override the default dir with given dir.  

9.3   Example Output from the alogsplit Tool    [top]

The output shown in Listing 9.2 was generated from the alpha.alog file generated by the Alpha example mission.

Listing 9.2 - Example alogsplit directory applied to the alpha.alog file.

   1  $ alogsplit alpha.alog
   3  APPCAST.klog                  IVPHELM_CPU.klog              NODE_REPORT_LOCAL.klog
   4  APPCAST_REQ.klog              IVPHELM_CREATE_CPU.klog       PHELMIVP_ITER_GAP.klog
   5  APPCAST_REQ_ALL.klog          IVPHELM_DOMAIN.klog           PHELMIVP_ITER_LEN.klog
   6  APPCAST_REQ_ALPHA.klog        IVPHELM_IPF_CNT.klog          PLOGGER_CMD.klog
   7  BHV_IPF_waypt_return.klog     IVPHELM_ITER.klog             PMARINEVIEWER_ITER_GAP.klog
   8  BHV_IPF_waypt_survey.klog     IVPHELM_LIFE_EVENT.klog       PMARINEVIEWER_ITER_LEN.klog
   9  CYCLE_INDEX.klog              IVPHELM_LOOP_CPU.klog         PMV_CONNECT.klog
  11  DB_CLIENTS.klog               IVPHELM_REGISTER.klog         PNODEREPORTER_ITER_LEN.klog
  12  DB_EVENT.klog                 IVPHELM_STATE.klog            PROC_WATCH_EVENT.klog
  13  DB_QOS.klog                   IVPHELM_STATEVARS.klog        PROC_WATCH_FULL_SUMMARY.klog
  14  DB_RWSUMMARY.klog             IVPHELM_SUMMARY.klog          PROC_WATCH_SUMMARY.klog
  15  DB_TIME.klog                  LOGGER_DIRECTORY.klog         PROC_WATCH_TIME_WARP.klog
  16  DB_UPTIME.klog                MOOS_DEBUG.klog               RETURN.klog
  17  DEPLOY.klog                   MOOS_MANUAL_OVERRIDE.klog     SIMULATION_MODE.klog
  18  DESIRED_HEADING.klog          NAV_DEPTH.klog                TRUE_X.klog
  19  DESIRED_RUDDER.klog           NAV_HEADING.klog              TRUE_Y.klog
  21  DESIRED_THRUST.klog           NAV_LAT.klog                  UPROCESSWATCH_ITER_LEN.klog
  22  HELM_MAP_CLEAR.klog           NAV_LONG.klog                 USIMMARINE_ITER_GAP.klog
  23  IVPHELM_ALLSTOP.klog          NAV_PITCH.klog                USIMMARINE_ITER_LEN.klog
  24  IVPHELM_ALLSTOP_DEBUG.klog    NAV_SPEED.klog                USM_DRIFT_SUMMARY.klog
  26  IVPHELM_BHV_CNT.klog          NAV_X.klog                    VISUALS.klog
  27  IVPHELM_BHV_CNT_EVER.klog     NAV_Y.klog                    summary.klog
  28  IVPHELM_BHV_IDLE.klog         NAV_YAW.klog
  29  IVPHELM_BHV_RUNNING.klog      NAV_Z.klog

Notice the summary.klot file on line 27. It contains some meta information gathered during the split process that is useful for alogview in fetching information at run time.

10   The alogpare Tool

The alogpare tool is a utility for pruning alog files by removing certain alog entries outside certain time windows. The time windows are defined by a user-defined time duration around the entries of further user-defined variables in the log file. The idea is that some robot missions have events of interest, e.g., a near collision event, where retaining all data just before and after the event is critical to analyzing what may have gone wrong. Perhaps certain high data rate log entries outside these critical event windows may be removed without any loss in utility to the users. In some cases this reduction in logged data may dramatically ease the acrhiving of these log files.

This was a new tool in Release 17.7 but was not documented until the following release.

10.1   Mark Variables Define Events of Interest    [top]

A mark variable is a MOOS variable provided to alogpare on the command line to indicate an event of interest. From the perspective of alogpare, the value of the mark variable does not matter. One or variables may be provided. For example:

 $ alogpare --markvars=ENCOUNTER,NEAR_MISS

The alogpare utility will make an initial pass through the alog file and make not of each instance of a mark variable. A window of time, given by the command line parameter --pare_window, will will be associated around each instance of a mark variable. If windows overlap, that's fine. The during of the pare window is 30 seconds by default, even split in time before and after the mark event. This may be adjusted on the command line. For example:

 $ alogpare --markvars=ENCOUNTER --pare_window=60

    The alogpare utility will make a second pass through the alog file pruning log entries outside the pare windows, based on variables on the pare list.

10.2   The Pare List of Variables to be Pared    [top]

Variables on the pare list indicate which lines of an alog file are to be removed, outside of pare windows. The pare list is defined on the command line with:

 $ alogpare --markvars=ENCOUNTER --pare_window=60 --parevars=BHV_IPF,BIG_ENTRY

Typically these variables constitute relatively large portions of an alog file, and provide little value outside the pare windows.

10.3   The Hit List of Variables to be Removed Completely    [top]

The alogpare utility also provides the means for removing named variables outright, regardless of where they occur relative to a pare window. These variables are on the hit list. For example:

 $ alogpare --varkvars=ENCOUNTER --parevars=BHV_IPF --hitvars=ITER_GAP

This functionality is also achieved with the alogrm utility, and is provided in this tool just as a convenience.

10.4   Command Line Usage for the alogpare Tool    [top]

  $ alogpare --help or -h

Listing 10.1 - Command line usage for the alogpare tool.

   1  $ alogpare -h
   3    Usage: 
   4    alogpare .alog [out.alog] [OPTIONS]                    
   6  Synopsis:                                                
   7    Pare back the given alog file in a two-pass manner.    
   8    First pass detects events defined by given mark vars.  
   9    The second pass removes lines with vars on the pare    
  10    list if they are not within pare_window seconds of     
  11    an event line. It also removes lines with vars on the  
  13    hitlist unconditionally. Latter could also be done     
  15    with alogrm.                                           
  16    The original alog file is not altered.                 
  18  Options:                                                 
  19    -h,--help         Displays this help message           
  20    -v,--version      Display current release version      
  21    --verbose         Enable verbose output                
  22    --markvars=<L>    Comma-separated list of mark vars    
  23    --hitvars=<L>     Comma-separated list of hit vars     
  24    --parevars=<L>    Comma-separated list of pare vars    
  25    --pare_window=<N> Set window to N seconds (default 30) 
  27  Examples:                                                
  28    alogpare --markvars=ENCOUNTER --parevars=BHV_IPF       
  29             original.alog smaller.alog                    
  30    alogpare --markvars=ENCOUNTER                          
  31             --parevars=BHV_IPF,VIEW_*                     
  32             --hitvars=*ITER_GAP,*ITER_LEN,DB_QOS          
  33             --pare_window=10                              
  34             original.alog smaller.alog                    
  36  Further Notes:                                           
  37    (1) The order of alogfile args IS significant.         
  38    (2) The order of non alogfile args is not significant. 

10.5   Planned additions to the alogpare Utility    [top]

  • Soft parevars: removing perhaps every other entry outside pare window. Or remove success entries with identical values outside the pare window.
  • Separate specification for pare_window time. Currently the window is split evenly around the mark event. Some user may want more control.
  • Pattern matching: Add support for specifying sets of variables with simple wildcard prefix or suffix, e.g., NAV_* or *_REPORT.

11   The alogcd Tool

The alogcd tool is a utility for scanning a given alog file and tallying the number of encounters, near misses, and collisions. This utility works under the assumption that another utility had been running during the mission, and monitoring encounters, near misses and collisions. It assumes that these three events were separately noted with MOOS variables that also indicate the closest point of approach (CPA) range for each event. And it also assumes that these three variables were logged in the alog file.

    The alogcd utility uses the MOOS variables ENCOUNTER, NEAR_MISS, and COLLISION. For now, these three variables are hard-coded in this utility. The uFldCollisionDetect utility is one utility capable of generating this kind of output. If there is collision to report, the report will also show the CPA value for the worst collision encounter.

An example run may produce output similar to:

  $ alogcd file.alog

  7,686 total alog file lines.

  Collision Report:                        
  Encounters:  27  (avg 16.93 m)
  Near Misses: 6  (avg 10.18 m)
  Collisions:  3  (avg 5.55 m)
  Collision Worst: 3.87

11.1   Producing a Time-Stamped file of Collisions and Near Misses    [top]

The near misses and collisions are the real events of interests, and if the standard summary report is not enough, a time stamped list of each near miss and collision may be written to a file, if the --tfile=filename parameter is provided. For example, the six near misses and three collisions reported above could be written to file with:

  $ alogcd file.alog --tfile=myfile
  $ cat myfile

The first column is the timestamp from the alog file, the second column is the type of encounter (near miss or collision), and the third column is the CPA distance for that encounter.

11.2   The Terse Output Option    [top]

For a super terse, one line report, use the following, which produces the below output for the same alog file as in the example above:

  $ alogcd file.alog 

27 encounters, 6 near misses, 3 collisions.

11.3   Command Line Return Values    [top]

The ultimate terse output is none at all! In this case we're only interested in the return value of alogcd. This can be used for example in a shell script to launch a series of simulations, altering the configuration parameters until no collisions are detected. The following (integer) return values are implemented:

  • [0]: The alog file was found and readable, encounters were indeed reported, and no collisions were reported. The success condition.
  • [1]: The alog file was not found or it was not readable.
  • [2]: The alog file was indeed found and was readable, but sadly, collisions were reported.
  • [3]: The alog file was indeed found and was readable, and no collisions were reported, but no encounters were reported either. Something is amiss. Either the vehicles never even got close enough to each other to constitute an encounter, or a monitoring app like uFldCollisionDetect was not even running.

11.4   Command Line Usage for the alogcd Tool    [top]

  $ alogcd --help or -h

Listing 11.1 - Command line usage for the alogcd tool.

   1  $ alogcd -h
   3  Usage: 
   4    alogcd .alog [OPTIONS]                    
   6  Synopsis:                                                
   7    Scan an alog file for collision detection reports.     
   8    Tally the totals and averages, and optionally create   
   9    a file holding all the timestamps of events.           
  11    By default, it scans for events defined by postings    
  12    to the following three MOOS variables:                 
  14    (1) COLLISION                                          
  15    (2) NEAR_MISS                                          
  16    (3) ENCOUNTER                                          
  18  Options:                                                 
  19    -h,--help       Displays this help message             
  20    -v,--version    Display current release version        
  21    -t,--terse      Write terse output.                    
  23  Returns:                                                 
  24    0 if alog file ok, encounters detected, no collisions. 
  25    1 if alog file not ok, unable to open.                 
  26    2 if alog ok, but collisions were detected             
  27    3 if alog ok, no collisions or encounters detected     

11.5   Planned additions to the alogcd Utility    [top]

  • Allow the key MOOS variables to be provided as parameters, rather then fixed to ENCOUNTER, NEAR_MISS, and COLLISION.
  • Support cmd line option like --collision_count which produces the integer value of collision counts as the command line return value. Perhaps the same for --near_miss_count or encounter_count.

12   The alogcat Tool

A concise form of this documentation is available with alogcat --help, -h, and the web version of this content can be quickly opened with alogcat --web, -w.

The alogcat tool is a utility for concatenating a given set of alog files into a new single alog file. Recall that each alog file has a header at the beginning of the file with meta information. This includes the starting timestamp which allows all further timestamps to be relative to the starting time. So to concatenate alog files, we cannot simply just append one file onto the end another. If that were done, there would be multiple header blocks in the file and different blocks of data with timestamps relative to different start times.

Why would we need this tool? In certain field exercises, occasionally an operator may decide to stop the mission (killing the MOOS community), and restart with perhaps a slight modification in an important parameter. In such cases, two sets of log files will be produced, one from before the restart and one from after. The two of them may constitute a valid mission log file, but they are now split into two. The alogcat utility can be used for merging them back into one.

The alogcat tool performs a proper concatenation. First, it determines the chronological ordering of the provided alog files. It will use the header block and starting time of the earliest file. For the remaning files, (a) the relative time to the first file is calculated, (b) the header block of the later file(s) is removed, (c) the log entries of the later file(s) are appended to the end of the earlier file with timestamps appropriately adjusted along the way.

As an example, consider two alog files created from the same mission, fil1.alog and file2.alog. They can be joined with:

 $ alogcatfile1.alog file2.alog --new=final.alog --verbose
 Performing a pre-check on the list of alog files...
 Processing file: file1.alog
 Processing file: file2.alog
 Created new alog file: final.alog

Overlapping files will produce an error and no new file will be created. If a second log file is created by re-starting the logger after it has been stopped during a mission, it is possible that initial postings will have negative time stamps. This is due to the MOOSDB delivering the mail with the latest values. These postings may have occurred before the logger re-started, and in fact may represent duplicate postings found in the earlier log file. These postings are ignore. Keep in mind that any posting in subsequent log files that have a negative timestamp will be ignored with the files are concatenated.

If the new file to be created already exists, no action will be taken. This can be overridden with the --force, -f parameter.

13   The alogavg Tool

The post-mission analysis pipeline starts with raw alog files and ends with plotted data. The raw data in alog files cannot be directly plotted without some filtering and analysis steps. The alogavg tool is one of the tools for performing these steps. These steps could also be done within the plotting language such as Matlab or Python, but our preference is to have general tools in the ALog Toolbox for these steps to allow users to choose between plotting tools without having to re-write the data preparation steps in each plotting language.

A concise form of this documentation is available on the command line:

 $ alogavg --help    (or -h)

The web version of this content can be quickly summoned from the command line with:

 $ alogavg --web    (or -w)

13.1   Input Format for alogavg    [top]

The alogavg tool ingests a single file, using the --file=file.txt argument. This file will have two columns of data, the domain (x) in the first column, and the range (y) in the second column. A file of this type may have been produced by aloggrep directly from the raw alog file. No ordering is presumed. A simple example:

  2  289.09                                             
  1  357.331                                            
  2  287.762                                            
  1  358.505                                            
  2  289.645                                            
  1  358.952

For now it is assumed that the column separator is white space (ASCII 32). White space at either the beginning or end of each line is ignored, and it does not matter how much white space is between the two columns.

13.2   Output Format for alogavg    [top]

The output of alogavg will be five columns:

  • The domain (x values), ordered
  • The average of the range (y values)
  • The minimum range value for the given domain value
  • The maximum range value for the given domain value
  • The standard deviation of range values for the given domain value

A simple example, using the data above, stored in file.log:

 $ alogavg file.log
 1 358.262667 357.331 358.952 0.683596                 
 2 288.832333 287.762 289.645 0.790028 

By default the columns of the output are padded to line up all columns in a more human readable format. With the --noformat option, the columns will all be separated by a single white space.

14   The alogmhash Tool

The alogmhash command-line tool will examine a given single alog file and discern key pieces of information related to the mission hash. It's primary intended use is to be invoked within a script as step in the automated archiving of log files. But it can also be run on the command line to provide some useful information about the mission hash of an alog file:

 $ alogmhash LOG_ABE_26_6_2023_____22_00_52.alog
 Analyzing odometry in file : LOG_ABE_26_6_2023_____22_00_52.alog

 6,697 total alog file lines.
 MHash:     230626-2200N-MALT-PAIR
 Odometry:  0
 Duration:  73.2
 Node Name: abe
 UTC:       1687831252.73
 Full List of MHashes noted: 
  [230626-2200N-MALT-PAIR]: 0.00 secs

The condensed output version of this tool is the primary use case. It will produce a slingle line of ouput that will be saved in an .mhash file. This information is critical to the archiving pipeline

 $ alogmhash --all LOG_ABE_26_6_2023_____22_00_52.alog

14.1   Output Components    [top]

The mhash utility will scour the log file for the following pieces of information.

  • The mission hash (mhash)
  • The UTC start time of the mission
  • The odometry, e.g., distance travelled
  • The duration of the log file
  • The node name

The mission hash is obtained by examining the alog file for entries to the variable MISSION_HASH. An example is:


If there is only one value for this variable in the alog file, then identifying the mission hash and the UTC start time is pretty easy. However, if the alog file is from a vehicle, it's possible that the shoreside mission may have been restarted one or more times in the duration of the vehicle log file. This would result in the vehicle log file having multiple values for the MISSION_HASH. For this reason alogmhash tallies the odometry distance accumulated while each distinct MISSION_HASH is the prevailing value. In the end, the one with the longest odometry distance is the one chosen. The assumption is that, when or if a shoreside mission is re-started, it is usually while the vehicle is sitting in a pre-launch mode, in which case the mission hash values from earlier starts should be disregarded.

The odometry distance calculated by alogmhash is derived simply from the logged NAV_X and NAV_Y values.

The duration value calculated by alogmhash is derived simply from timestamp of the last logged entry in the alog file against the UTC start time recorded at the top of the alog file.

The node name is either the vehicle name or "shoreside". It is derived by examining a publication to the MOOS variable DB_UPTIME and noting the source (MOOS App) name that published it, which is always the MOOSDB with the format MOOSDB_node. The component to the right of the underscore is regarded as the node name. The node name of "shoreside" is always shortened to "shore"

14.2   Command Line Usage for the alogmhash Tool    [top]

  $ alogmhash --help or -h

Listing 14.1 - Command line usage for the alogmhash tool.

   alogmhash file.alog [OPTIONS]                    

   alogmhash will read the one given alog file and  
   parse for key values used in a .mhash cache file.
   Value Examples:                                  
     MHASH:    230513-1453B-ICED-OWEN               
     ODO:      423.2                                
     DURATION: 874.3                                
     NAME:     abe                                  
     UTC:      33678848885.977                      
   If multiple MISSION_HASH values are present in   
   the given log file, the posting value with the   
   highest odemetry distance is the one chosen. This
   guards against the situation where a shoreside   
   re-starts after the logging has started and thus 
   generates a new mission hash. Rule of thumb is to
   regard the MISSION_HASH that prevailed for the   
   highest odometry as the one true MISSION_HASH.   

   -h,--help       Displays this help message       
   -v,--version    Display current release version  
   -t,--terse      terse output (No newline/CRLF)   

   -m,--mhash      Report MHASH w/ longest odometry 
   -o,--odo        Report total odometry            
   -d,--duration   Report total duration            
   -n,--name       Report node/vehicle name         
   -u,--utc        Report UTC start time            
   -a,--all        Report mhash,odo,dur,name        

     Open browser to:                             

   0 if alog file ok.                               
   1 if alog file not ok, unable to open.           

 Further Notes:                                     
   (1) The order of arguments is irrelevent.        
   (2) Only last given .alog file is reported on.   
   (3) Intended to be used in script.  

 (1) Example:                                       
   $ alogmhash *.alog --all                         
     mhash=230512-2147I-ICED-OWEN,odo=1507.5,     \
 (2) Example:                                       
   $ alogmhash *.alog --mhash                       

15   The alogeval Tool

The alogeval tool will scan a given alog file and apply test criteria found in a separate input file. The test criteria should be similar to that used by pMissionEval, specifying criteria for when the test should be applied, and then the criteria for passing or failing the test. The advantage of alogeval over pMissionEval is that the user can repeatedly adjust the evaluation criteria and re-run the evaluations. With pMissionEval, the test criteria loaded at run-time will produce mission evaluations that are based on the run-time criteria only.

A concise form of this documentation is available on the command line:

 $ alogeval --help    (or -h)

The web version of this content can be quickly summoned from the command line with:

 $ alogeval --web    (or -w)

15.1   Test Criteria Input File    [top]

The test criteria is provided in a separate input file. If the file has the suffix .txt, it can simply be provided, otherwise use the --testfile=filename argument. The following two are equivalent:

 $ alogeval mission.alog criteria.txt
 $ alogeval mission.alog --testfile=criteria.txt

15.2   Test Criteria Logic Test Sequence    [top]

The primary configuration structure is a logic test sequence, comprised of one or more logic tests. The sequence of tests may be ordered by time, but may also be time invariant. The overall test evaluation is completed when either (a) all logic tests in the sequence have been evaluated and passed, or (b) when any one of the logic tests in the sequence has failed.

A logic single test is comprised of:

  • lead conditions
  • pass conditions
  • fail conditions

One or more lead conditions may be provided. As soon as all lead conditions have been satisfied, the pass/fail conditions are evaluated. If one or more pass conditions have been provided, then all must satisfied or else the test fails. If one or more fail conditions are provided, then if any fail condition is satisfied, the test fails.

A test sequence is comprised one or more tests. Each test has its own conditions. In this case the order of lines in the configuration file is important as it determines the grouping. For example, in the Alpha End Flag mission, the sole test is whether the end flag has been set after the fifth waypoint has been hit. This does not test for the possible error case where the endflag is posted after the third or fourth waypoint has been hit. The single logic test could be replace with the following test sequence:

   lead_condition = WC_FLAG = 3
   pass_condition = EFLAG = 0

   lead_condition = WC_FLAG = 4
   pass_condition = EFLAG = 0

Note in this case there are three tests, all tests need to pass if the pass_flag is to be posted. Note also that the test EFLAG=0 will not pass unless it is explicitly published with this value. And the condition EFLAG!=1 will also not pass unless EFLAG has been published. In this example, in the Alpha End Flag mission, the helm initializes the EFLAG variable to 0 upon helm launch.

The order of the tasks in the configuration does matter. The app at any given moment will address the next element in the sequence. Only when the last element has been addressed will the result, pass, and fail flags be published. Consider what would happen if the first two of the above tests were reversed? In this case the mission would never finish evaluation. Why?

15.3   Test Output and Return Values    [top]

If alogeval succeeds, with valid alog file, valid criteria file, and passing all logic tests, it returns with a value of 0. Other possible values:

  • 0: Success
  • 1: All valid files, but test criteria failed
  • 2: Unhandled command line argument
  • 3: Missing alog file or could not be opened
  • 4: Missing criteria file or could not be opened
  • 5: ALog or criteria file could not be parsed

The above return values are returned to the shell on the command line. By default, alogeval produces no output to the terminal. Output can be enabled with the --verbose flag, for example:

 $ alogeval file.alog criteria.txt --verbose
 BEGIN ALogEvaluator: Handling ALog File:
     14.72909      EFLAG  0   [false,false] (0)
    121.82700    WC_FLAG  1   [false,false] (0)
    162.14515    WC_FLAG  2   [false,false] (0)
    192.43813    WC_FLAG  3   [false,false] (1)
    215.20145    WC_FLAG  4   [true,true]   (2)
 END  ALogEvaluator: Handling ALog File
 Result: pass=true
 $ echo $?

In the above output, several lines with timestamps are shown. Variables involved in the criteria logic conditions are noted by alogeval. Each time a log entry is encountered with one of these variables, the test criteria is applied, and a line of output is produced. The second column is the MOOS variable name. The third column is the posted value of the MOOS variable. The fourth column contains two Booleans. The first is whether the entire test sequence has been evaluated, and the second Boolean is whether the evaluation passed. If the first is false, the second will false. The fifth column is index of the current logic test. Since there are only two logic tests in this example, with the index is 2, then the evaluations should be complete.

In the line with timestamp at 192 seconds, the WC_FLAG posting is 3, which is the first lead_condition. Since EFLAG=0 is the pass condition, this first logic test passes and the logic test index increments from 0 to 1. In the line with timestamp at 215 seconds, the WC_FLAG posting is 4, which is the second lead_condition. Since EFLAG=0 is the pass condition, this second logic test passes and the logic test index increments from 0 to 2. Since all logic tests have been evaluated, and all passed, the fourth column on this final line reads [true,true], and the evaluation is complete.

15.4   Examining the Test Sequence Structure    [top]

The normal verbose output can be augmented with the --show_seq or -ss flag. This will show the structure of test criteria before the evaluation, and again after the evaluations. For example:

 $ alogeval file.alog criteria.txt --verbose -ss
 BEGIN ALogEvaluator LogicTestSequence ========= 
 LogicTestSequence: Total Aspects:2
 Enabled:   true
 Evaluated: false
 Satisfied: false
 Status:    pending
 ++++++++++ aspect[0] +++++++++++++
 Lead Conditions: (1)  WC_FLAG = 3
 Pass Conditions: (1)  EFLAG = 0
 Fail Conditions: (none)
 Enabled(true), Evaluated(false), Satisfied(false), Status(pending)
 ++++++++++ aspect[1] +++++++++++++
 Lead Conditions: (1)  WC_FLAG = 4
 Pass Conditions: (1)  EFLAG = 0
 Fail Conditions: (none)
 Enabled(true), Evaluated(false), Satisfied(false), Status(pending)
 END   ALogEvaluator LogicTestSequence ========= 

 BEGIN ALogEvaluator: Handling ALog File:
     14.72909      EFLAG  0   [false,false] (0)
    121.82700    WC_FLAG  1   [false,false] (0)
    162.14515    WC_FLAG  2   [false,false] (0)
    192.43813    WC_FLAG  3   [false,false] (1)
    215.20145    WC_FLAG  4   [true,true]   (2)
 END  ALogEvaluator: Handling ALog File

 BEGIN ALogEvaluator LogicTestSequence ========= 
 LogicTestSequence: Total Aspects:2
 Enabled:   true
 Evaluated: true
 Satisfied: true
 Status:    pass
 ++++++++++ aspect[0] +++++++++++++
 Lead Conditions: (1)  WC_FLAG = 3
 Pass Conditions: (1)  EFLAG = 0
 Fail Conditions: (none)
 Enabled(true), Evaluated(true), Satisfied(true), Status(pass)
 ++++++++++ aspect[1] +++++++++++++
 Lead Conditions: (1)  WC_FLAG = 4
 Pass Conditions: (1)  EFLAG = 0
 Fail Conditions: (none)
 Enabled(true), Evaluated(true), Satisfied(true), Status(pass)
 END   ALogEvaluator LogicTestSequence ========= 
 Result: pass=true

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